A lot of stuff has been going on for me art-wise this summer. My goal was to complete at least 12 paintings before the end of the year. From heart paintings alone, I have far exceeded that number, with roughly 30 paintings under my belt for the year. Not too shabby. Where I need to step up my game is with updating this site. So here it goes, in bulleted form, to update you, my reader, on what has been going on in the art world of Julie:
- I gained fans. There names are Drew, Mason, and Avery. And they are the coolest kids around. One of my favorite co-workers requested that I do some paintings for her kids. First up was Hatsune Miku for Drew (above - far right), then Charizard and Pikachu for Mason (above - far left), and in the works "a princess in a rainbow dress with a gummy bear on it in front of a castle... verbatim", which I am unfairly to Avery dragging my feet on. However, I should be finished with it by the end of the 3 day weekend. I also have to add, that in addition to them being my fan, I am their fan. They are cool kids. I really want their parents to go on a date night and ask me to "babysit". I say "babysit" because really I just want to hang out with them and talk video games, anime, and Dr. Who and maybe see if they would like watch Fruits Basket, which is only the cutest show ever. Sailor Moon is too big of a time commitment.
- I farmer's marketed it up in Asbury with That Sounds Delicious. My friend Kara and Jenine make delicious whoopies pies, which you can buy HERE. They invited me to hang with them and try and sell my paintings. I thought this would be a good test run for my September 21 art tent as part a Jersey City street fair. Pictures of my booth and one of my happy customers is below. It went well. I sold 11 paintings and 3 photographs. A lot of them were to friends, but several were to strangers which is always a cool feeling. My art is in the home of someone I don't know and they appreciate it. Pretty cool. The one issue I realized after the fact was that when I thought the canvases cost $4 a piece and was selling them for $10, I was in fact very wrong. The canvases cost about $9.50 a piece after shipping, tax and paint. So, upping that price for Jersey City.
- I am doing the centerpieces for Gina and Joe's wedding. Their wedding theme is perfect couples. I am doing 15 paintings in my fun little caricature way of these perfect couples. I've done one: John Locke and Ben Linus - pictured below. This is the ONLY painting that will be debuted pre-wedding and you don't even get the final picture, so stick around and check back in November. My negotiated terms for the paintings were I get to pick my table (John Locke table - duh), they buy the canvases, and Gina give me a copy of a picture she took in St. Petersburg of the Church of the Spilt Blood (plus a modest fee that will just be returned to them as a wedding present cause I am the Maid of Honor, and I am doing the shit out of their wedding!)
And that is about it. Everything that is going on in the art world of me. Next week Avery's princess painting will be done so that will be posted, and then come September 21st I will post all the heart pictures I painted. It's going to be heart-nauseating!