39 Reasons My Dad is the Best: A Father's Day List With Pictures

#3 Message from the Management #5 Dad's stone collection









 1. He leaves disclaimers on things that aren’t working.

2. He is adamant about no talking or texting while driving yet is the only one in the family to get a ticket for talking on his cell phone.

3. Nothing bothers him more than people not refilling the toilet paper drawer. (See photo)

4. Sometimes he tries to fix things and will instead makes them worse – once the toilet flusher was sticking. After he was done working on it still stuck but now the toilet would randomly circulate water.

5. He collects stones and petrified trees. (See photo)

6. In college, his roommate thought he was a spy.

7. He does NOT curse and hates the word “sucks”.

8. He is always there when I need him.

9. He is really, really smart and builds robotics and solar panel chargers for fun. (See photo)

10. He likes playing cards, and always wins at casino. (I would like to win just once!)

#17. Dad and Me eating Dobish Torte #15 Water Fountains #9. Something Roboticy












11. He once pronounced chipotle chip-oat-al.

12. He used to sell kettle corn. (See photo)

13. He cares about animals.

14. He nicknamed our dog Throck-a-Doodle.

15. He bought water fountains for our house. (See photo)

16. He cares about proper grammar.

17. He has a secret candy stash that consists of 3 pounds of chocolate and his justification is that we might randomly want  to make a Dobish Torte. (See photo)

18. He likes mugs. (See photo)

19. He is very generous.

20. He taught me how important family is.


#26 Geodes #12 Kettle Korn #17 The 4.5 Pounds of Chocolate in his stash










21. He used to punish Ellis and me by making us hold our arms out to the side for 5 min.

22. He used to have a fro. See photo)

23. To make sure I wasn’t getting the wrong messages from music videos on MTV, he made me write a report on 10 music videos.

24. He always walks in on the wrong part of the conversation/movie.

25. He likes his socks folded a very particular way.

26. When we go to Illinois, he would make us spend hours searching for geodes. (See photo)

27. He’s easy going.

28. He once asked me to water the chlamydia, er, he meant the chlamydeous (it's a flower).

29. He asks you to do something, and if you don’t, his feeling will be hurt.

30. You better take the recycling out, or else!

#22 Fro #18 Mugs Mom makes him keep in his office










31. One time there was lightning out, and he made me sit in the car for 10 minutes before I could come inside so I didn’t get hit.

32. We are not allowed to shower during a thunderstorm, because again, the lightning might kill us.

33. He has an unnatural 6th Dad sense if anyone has touched the thermostat.

34. He is very concerned with how we heat the pans while making eggs. It's always too high.

35. The dust lint trapper on the dryer is his own personal crusade.

36. He will give us a ride anytime we need, even in the middle of the night if we need it.

37. He loves his kid’s girlfriends, but gives the evil eye to all boyfriends, so Kathryn is good.

38. He told Kathryn once that a metro sexual was someone who had sex on the metro.

39. He is my dad.

Happy Father's Day Everyone!!!

My dad.