The Doctor is Retired

A couple weeks ago, my friend Christine Rochelle asked me to do another painting. My first painting I did for her was last year for her now fiancée (congrats again!) of him fishing at Cuttyhunk Island. This year she needed a painting for her Mom's retirement as a school counselor. Her mother had an image of Lucy on her office door reading "The Doctor is In". Christine wanted a painting of it saying "The Doctor is Retired".

Not only was this painting a ton of fun, but it was an interesting task to have to not paint straight lines. Generally my paintings have very straight black outlines. This time I had to make my hand shake. While this is relatively easy task, it was very strange. For once I didn't mind if someone came in and sat on the bed next to me while painting. In fact, this time is was encouraged.

Upon handing it off, I couldn't have been happier with this painting. It was a good one to end 2012. I really didn't paint much this year. This makes #8 for the year. Whereas 2009, 2010 and 2011 I averaged about 28 paintings a year. I'm going to try and focus on art again in 2013. I don't know why I lost focus this year. Some of it could be work related, I got a significant promotion in June. It's more demanding, but also more rewarding. I also was involved in several weddings. While a ton of fun, are also a lot of work.

2013 has to be a year of better balance in my life. Balance of work, weddings, fun, and painting. My goal is at least 12 paintings for the year. One a month. I think I can handle that and hopefully continue to create things that can be part of others homes.