In The Jungle, The Mighty Jungle










Yet another of my Markel commissioned painting. These paintings were for my co-worker Melissa who is currently my #1 customer by a long shot. After these 4 paintings her total commission number is at 12 paintings. She has been a huge supporter of me over my carreer at Markel. When she wants her child's room decorated she thinks of me. She appreciates a part of me that is so important and she helps to foster it by continuing to commission jobs from me. As I said, very cool. I like that I can have these relationships with people. That we can touch each others lives' in small and different, but highly profound ways. 

I'm not really in a writing mood at all today, but wanted to get this up. These paintings I did based on this label for Cocalo Baby Nali Jungle Removal Wall Appliques. I think I may have found my niche - children's painting.

Got kids? I can't paint them something!