Always the Tortured Artist

"Tyrone" 2010I feel like this is more a diary and at times think that is weird, that I am putting my life out on the Internet for anyone to read.  Yet chances are if you are reading this you know me and if you know me, you essentially know everything I write about anyway because I talk about everything that goes on in my life to everyone I know. I am a total open book and I talk a lot.

As anyone who knows me knows, I had an incredibly difficult time getting over my ex Bryan. It’s been a two and a half year epic saga that produced a ridiculous amount of artwork. Seriously, this dude had been my muse since the day a met him.

Yet lately I have acquired a new muse. And this is news to no one, especially Ty, because I told him. He has “muse”ified me twice now.   Yet his musings have been completely different from Bryan’s. Bryan’s were more along the lines of “I’m dead on the inside and am going to die alone because I will never meet any one and he’s destroyed a piece of me forever”.  Not such a happy muse and one I am glad to be rid of.

I’m just going to go out and say it, since I met Ty at my Jamian's art show I have been substantially, exponentially and noticeably happier. Not to give him more credit than is due, but essentially he gave me something to get excited about (even if it didn’t work out so well, darn those ticks!). For a month and a half there I was really excited about dating him and hopeful that I would soon have a new, closer than the Philippines, boyfriend.

Due to life circumstances that isn’t quite what happened. And last week, on Cinco de Mayo, I got upset. As most girls in life do, I build things up and create scenarios that may be an incorrect extrapolation of the dating data that is presented to me.  It also did not help that the Friday before Cinco de Mayo, Ty had hung out with me at the gym and had provided me with many statements that facilitated and perhaps perpetuated that extrapolation. Thus, like the petulant child I can sometimes be when I don't get my way, and due to the 5 Coronas I drank in very quick succession, a massive amount of beer tears ensued. 

Oh and the puffiness. I think this is the worst part about me crying and why I try to avoid it so much. My eyes puff up like you wouldn't believe. Kara and Megan witnessed it. I look like I have been beaten severly. And it happens the next morning, always the next morning, so if I have to do anything involving seeing other people, i.e. work, I have to wake up mad early and ice the shit out of my eyes to make them go down. And they only go down a little. And I look like I'm on drugs. And WORSE, this particular day, I happened to get freezer burn on my cheeks from the ice packs. God help me.

Side note: the beer tears were a combination of the beer, not getting what I want, PMS, and wanting to find someone who treated me like Bryan did when he was in the states, because for all Bryan's faults in the whole ceasing to talk to me when I really needed him, when he was here he treated me like a princess, and I have yet to find another guy that has made me feel that important and special.

Needless to say, Thursday I felt a little weird. I felt embarrassed that I reacted so over the top to something I knew wasn't going to work. And the thing is, in Ty's defense, he pretty much told me that it wasn't going to work right now, but I really didn't want to listen. I want what I want when I want it and I better get it or I'm probably going to cry about it. That's just me. I own it.

So I was going through Seis de Mayo with my freeze burned cheeks, when I had to get something updated on my computer. Someone from IT came up and took over my computer. I sat on the side of my desk and reflected. Then I looked over at a picture I had on my desk and instant inspiration. A painting totally emerged in my mind and immediately when I got home, I had to paint. So I did. Pictured above is what it produced.

This thing just flowed too. I was out of work and home by 5:11, set up, painted and was at the gym by 6:07. It just was a purging of hopes and disappointment and confusion. And I love it. It's very reminiscent of
Lily Pads, except way bigger and more purple. I felt good getting it out. It was the first thing I had painted that I liked in about a month and half. It was the first thing I had painted since The Doctrine of Manifest Danger, which was also Ty inspired.

And the great thing about it was after I painted it, I ran into Ty at the gym. And we were just fine. We walked on the track a bit together and I told him that he had become one of my muses. It was all good. No weirdness, nothing. Which is awesome, because I do feel fortunate to have met him. He's helped me move on in a way that no one did. And who knows if it was just the timing of meeting him, or specifically him. I don't know.

Then friday night I texted him, asking if he thought it was creepy/weird or awesome if I entitled the painting
Tyrone. It seemed only appropriate, but I do prefer to keep my creepiness to a reasonable level. Ty's response "I think awesome if its sweet". Naturally I only paint sweet paintings, so I sent a picture and he concurred saying it was "freakin awesome sweet".

So there you have it. I went on Friday evening to have a wonderful time with awesome friends, glowsticks, hot tubs, bubbles, T-Pain audio tuning and other ridiculous acts and a lot of booze.
Then the next day, Ellis and I started working on a painting together. I don't know where that one is going yet, but it feels good to want to paint again. It feels good to feel good again. And I would like to thank my two time muse. 

Who will inspire me next?