(I Can't Get No) Inspiration

I need some serious help. I have hit that creative block that I hit after I painted that mural back in the day. I completed 3 paintings I am in love with - Mother, 50 Years of Love, and Candied Island. Now I am just crapping out paintings.

These two I have entitled "Thing 1" and "Thing 2" (a little Dr. Seuss homage there).

I painted these over other canvases I was prepared to throw away. I spent about 15 minutes on each of these. First the background, then the swirls later. I do like them, but this took ZERO thought or inspiration. I just did them because I was bored and didn't want to waste the canvases. They annoy me that I like them. I hate looking at them! Good thing I can mail them to you Christian. I want them gone! Away from me! 

Literally, as I said, crapped out.


I'm kind of okay with this one. Except this canvas was supposed to be for Matt's painting of pokemon. Fudge.

It's entitled "Hopeful, Hopeless", like how I feel about painting right now.

Then there is this one:

Ewwww. I don't even know what to say about this. What was I thinking? This canvas may end up in the garbage.

And last, but not least...

This one caused me to get gold paint in my papercut. That felt awful btdubs.

Conclusion: I don't know about any of these! Would anyone want to buy these? Do I even want to show them to a gallery. Why can't I paint something awesome like "Mother", or "Acquiese to Eternity" again? Or "Remorse of Introspection". I look at those and I wonder if I will ever create another painting as solid as "What is Love?" or "The Wave". 

Why am I spazzing out!!!! I think I'm having anxiety at selling my paintings. What do I show people at galleries? What is happening to my portfolio.

I think I need to not paint for like a good 2 weeks. Just stop. Throw my hands in the air and walk away. The problem is then... what do I do with my time?

God help me. Whatever! Gus just walked in and we are going drinking.