Some one slap the credit card out of my hand. Now.
I just bought myself a Canon EOS 7d for photographing my art. It is beautiful. I love it. I ordered it Tuesday and it arrived today.
The rational behind making this purchase is that I need to be an independent person who doesn't have to scramble and rely on other people's availability in order to take print worthy pictures of my artwork. There are too many pieces out there that I just do not have a solid digital image of. The 7d is the plan to correct that.
Another rational, and I take this from one of my favorite ladies at work, Kathy, is "I neeeeeeeed it" (something her daughter says to her and I think is a very solid and impenetrable arguement for making unnecessary purchases). It was NECESSARY!
Anyway, this camera is BEAUTIFUL. I have only had it for about 5 hours now and I can tell you I don't regret a single penny I spent on it. I've already taken a ton of photos too. You can check those out here: PHOTOS!
One thing I did not expect though, is this camera is heavy. I'm going to need to develop some major arm muscles just to hold the dang thing.
The official weekend plan now is to gather all my artwork I have currently and photograph the heck out of them.
I will at this time, also throw a shout out at Pat Perrotto for help with this camera too. Originally Paul recommended the camera to me back in October. I actually bought it, before it was released (so I guess I should say pre-ordered it), then I met Pat who essentially talked me out of buying the camera saying it wasn't what I should get, only for him to turn around and buy it a couple months later. After Pat came around he helped me with all the specs (cause I am clueless) and also recommended me the lens I bought (24-70MM F/2.8L EF if anyone was curious or if that means anything to anyone) which he also has. Ergo, I feel mad professional having this camera because so does Pat and he's pretty cool. His kit has even been written up by someone out on the internets here.
That being said, I've wasted too much photo taking time here as it is. Look at me talking when there's photos to be done...