Is this painting done?

I woke up this morning at 8 am cause I had gone to bed at, like, 11 pm on a Friday night. Can you say lame? Essentially, I was plagued with one of those "nobody likes me, everybody hates me, guess I'll go eat worms mood" cause I'm a spaz and over-analyze everything. EVERYTHING. Why do I have my brain?

Anyway, in a fit of spazzy-ness, I decided that this painting sucked ass ----->

It's not that it's terrible, just that I did this originally on 6 12 x 12 inches tiles and I wanted it to be on one canvas. So I thought, hey, I'll just do it just as awesomely again.

I was failing.

The center is just too blah and I didn't know how to fix it. So I decided to just scrap it and start over.

I tried changing it in the way of "Acquiesce to Eternity" and it was just not going well. I was outside listening to my current favorite playlist, enjoying the beautiful weather and making a horrible, horrible painting mistake. I was destroying an expensive canvas. F!

Then I decide, just go the way of "Mother". People like that one a lot and it felt good to finger paint.

So this is what has come out of my painting today:

My question to you is: is this painting done?

Generally my rule of thumb is if I can't tell, it probably isn't. But sometimes I just need to have it around for a while and marinate on it, to really decide. So if anyone has any thoughts, good or bad, let me know. I'd love some help other than my brother with his ridiculous painting names (Close up of Fish Scales #12 - to imply there has been 11 others) or my sister who just puts paint on my face because she was pissed that I put it on her arm? Phst.